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Project Roles and Responsibilities

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Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

6 Feb 2024


Project team setups typically include Fluent's Expert Services team, implementation partners, and clients.  Projects are usually client-led or partner-led projects; however, In-house projects are also possible.  Successful project delivery involves all parties working collaboratively. This article will cover the various roles and associated tasks in delivering a successful project.

Key points

  • Roles and responsibilities involved in Fluent OMS implementation projects 
  • Partner-led projects
  • Client-led projects
Engagement of Expert Services

When the engagement of Fluent's Expert Services team begins and ends is shown in the project timeline below:

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Partner-led vs. Expert Services-led Deliverables During Ready for Launch

Ready for Launch occurs 2-3 times throughout the implementation depending on the project complexity.  At a minimum, it is done:

  • At least once as a mid-point project review. 
  • At the conclusion of the implementation phase.

By doing this, it gives both partner and client the opportunity for early feedback and the ability to take any remedial action not to delay the project timeline. It further provides the input that the solution will be fit-for-purpose.

Partner-led and Fluent Expert Services-led activities:

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