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Changed on:

24 Oct 2023

Setting AreaUI component
Supported context levels:ACCOUNT


Using the Workflow Builder (Orchestration Modeller), you can add user actions in the context of a custom web app name, by adding this new setting to your account. A custom web app is a web app that is not developed and supported by Fluent Commerce. Examples of the current web apps developed and supported by Fluent Commerce are Admin Console and Fluent Store (ServicePoint).


Data TypeValues

refers to Overview section

Detailed technical description

Following is an example of this setting:

  • Setting: 
  • Context: ACCOUNT
  • Value Type: JSON
  • Value:
2   "apps": [
3    {
4        "name": "servicepoint",
5        "label": "fc.module.servicepoint.label",
6        "type": "fluent",
7        "context": {
8        "level": "LOCATION",
9        "role": "STORE_ASSISTANT"
10        },
11        "icon": {
12            "type": "url",
13            "value": "www.fluentcommerce.com/servicepoint.png"
14            },
15        "description": "The fluent servicepoint app"
16        },
17        {
18            "name": "adminconsole",
19            "label": "fc.module.adminconsole.label",
20            "type": "fluent",
21            "context": {
22            "level": "RETAILER",
23            "role": "ADMIN"
24            },
25            "icon": {
26            "type": "url",
27            "value": "www.fluentcommerce.com/adminconsole.png"
28            },
29            "description": "The fluent adminconsole app"
30        },
31        {
32            "name": "fluentpartnerapp",
33            "label": "fc.module.fluentpartnerapp.label",
34            "type": "custom",
35            "context": {
36            "level": "LOCATION",
37            "role": "STORE_ASSISTANT"
38            },
39            "icon": {
40            "type": "material",
41            "value": "circle"
42            },
43        "description": "A fluent partner app"
44    }
45  ]

Language: json

Name: fc.mystique.apps Value


[Warning: empty required content area]


This section describes the


Name: name

Description: The app to which this data belongs.

Name: label

Description: Contains an internationalisation key that translates to a human-readable representation of the app e.g. "Store".

Name: type

Description: For apps created by Fluent Commerce, the type is "fluent". For apps created by a partner, the type is "custom".

Name: context

Description: A given role at a context level. Contains a nested object with fields "level" and "role"

Name: icon

Description: Contains a nested JSON object with keys "type" and "value".

Name: description

Description: The description of the app and its usage.

Customizing Workflow User Actions

When creating User Actions, users can enter the labels directly into the workflow configuration from their preferred language or create a language key and add the translation in one or more language setting files for translations.

The following example displays the structure of a language key based on the workflow, ruleset, and user action.

`"fc.om.order.OrderCancel.label": "CANCEL ORDER",`

`"fc.om.article.ARTICLE_COLLECTED.label": "COLLECT",`

`"fc.om.article.ARTICLE_ARRIVED.label": "MARK AS ARRIVED",`

`"fc.om.order.OrderRevision.label": "Order Revision",`

`"fc.om.order.OrderRevision.field.revisedItems": "Items",`

`"fc.lc.location.WaveCreate.label": "Create Wave"`

Adding New Mutation Actions

Mutation actions provide direct edits of entities by providing an interface to the API in Console. When adding mutations, the platform will automatically generate keys based on the naming conventions. Users need to add a translation of the key to a custom Language Bundle to be able to display the mutation action form fields in a language other than English.

The following examples indicate several existing mutation keys.

`"fc.gql.fulfilment.ref.label": "ref",`

`"fc.gql.fulfilment.attributes.label": "attributes",`

`"fc.gql.fulfilment.attributes.name.label": "name",`

`"fc.gql.fulfilment.attributes.type.label": "type",`

`"fc.gql.order.fulfilmentChoice.currency.label": "Currency",`

`"fc.gql.inventoryCatalogue.type.label": "type"`

Priority and Fall Back Options of Internationalisation

The priority order for displaying apps in a different language is as follows:

  • User’s selected language
  • Account default language

Once the language is selected, the fallback occurs in the following priority order:

  • Custom Language Bundle available in settings for the selected language
  • Base Language Bundle available in the platform for the selected language
  • System default language set in the platform (English - Australian)

Configuration example

1// Refer to Detailed Technical Description section

Language: json

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