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Where can I get help?

Essential knowledge


Boris Pocatko

Changed on:

10 Sept 2024


We are here to help and there are several ways how to get in touch with our team. Read on if you'd like some help!

Key points

  • There are several channels to reach out to get help, such as the community #partner_support slack channel, our support ticket system, or via email, depending on the help you need.
  • To get help quickly, reach out via the appropriate channel and supply as much context as possible.

Documentation feedback

Please use the Feedback button throughout the website (Can't see it? disable AdBlock) or contact us directly at docs@fluentcommerce.com.

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Community support 

Get help from our partner community by joining the #partner_support slack channel.

Tailored project help

If you need tailored help on your environment and talk to someone with experience across multiple implementations, talk to our Expert Services team. 

Technical issues

If you are facing a technical issue in production, contact the support team via a Fluent Retail Support (FRS) ticket.

Connector framework help 

Questions can be sent directly to the Connector Framework product team via connector-framework@fluentcommerce.com.

Learning portal 

If you’d like help with anything learning portal-related, please get in touch via learning@fluentcommerce.com.

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