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Add Order line / Order Item Search Page into Fluent Store

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023

Key Points

  • A step by step guide on how to create Order Line / Order Item search page in Fluent Store


Step arrow right iconCreate a new setting for fragment orderitem

Name: {{accountID}}.mystique.manifest.fragment.orderitem

Value type: JSON

JSON value:

2    "manifestVersion": "2.0",
3    "routes": [
4        {
5            "type": "page",
6            "path": "SearchOrderByItem",
7            "component": "fc.page",
8            "nav": {
9                "label": "SearchOrderByItem",
10                "icon": "person"
11            },
12            "props": {
13                "title": "Search Order By Item",
14                "showUserActions": true
15            },
16            "data": {
17                "query": "query  { orderItems { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage __typename } edges { cursor node { id ref quantity order{ ord_id:id ord_ref:ref customerLink{ cust_ref:ref } } } } } } "
18            },
19            "descendants": [
20                {
21                    "component": "fc.list",
22                    "dataSource": "orderItems",
23                    "props": {
24                        "title": "Items in Orders",
25                        "filter": {
26                            "enabled": true,
27                            "exclude": [
28                                "workflowRef",
29                                "workflowVersion",
30                                "Currency",
31                                "Status",
32                                "TaxType"
33                            ]
34                        },
35                        "attributes": [
36                            {
37                                "label": "Order Line ID",
38                                "value": "{{node.id}}"
39                            },
40                            {
41                                "label": "Item Ref",
42                                "value": "{{node.ref}}"
43                            },
44                            {
45                                "label": "Item quantity",
46                                "value": "{{node.quantity}}"
47                            },
48                            {
49                                "label": "Order Reference",
50                                "value": "{{node.order.ord_ref}}",
51                                "link": "#/orders/{{node.order.ord_id}}"
52                            },
53                            {
54                                "label": "Client Referemce",
55                                "value": "{{node.order.customerLink.cust_ref}}"
56                            }
57                        ]
58                    }
59                }
60            ]
61        }
62    ]

Language: plain_text

Name: JSON Value


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconAdd fragment orderitem into the store manifest (setting: fc.mystique.manifest.store)

2"type": "reference",
3"settingName": "{{accountID}}.mystique.manifest.fragment.orderitem"

Language: plain_text

Name: code snippet added into store manifest


[Warning: empty required content area]
No alt provided

Step arrow right iconCheck the outcome

refresh the STORE webpage and you should able to see:

No alt provided
Fluent Commerce

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