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Configure Okta connection via SAML

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

26 Oct 2023

Key Points

  • Register application with Okta
  • Add the identity provider in PingOne
  • Add Metadata URL
  • Continue IDP Configuration
  • Do not forget


Step arrow right iconI. Register application with Okta

 follow these steps below:

Step arrow right iconStep 1.

Go to Okta Portal. If an Okta account doesn’t exist, then you need to create one.

Step arrow right iconStep 2.

Go to Applications.

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Step arrow right iconStep 3.

Click Create App Integration button.

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Step arrow right iconStep 4.

Select SAML 2.0 on Create a new app integration dialogue and press Next button.

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Step arrow right iconStep 5.

Create SAML Integration in next steps:

  • Fill General Settings and click Next button.
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  • Configure SAML and click Next button. Mandatory fields are: Single sign on URL and Audience URI (SP Entity ID).
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  • Leave your feedback and press Finish button.
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Step arrow right iconStep 6.

Go to Assignments tab

Add people or groups according to your requirements. This is always can be done later.

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Step arrow right iconStep 7.

To edit the application (replace URL template with ACS ENDPOINT from Ping Identity) the following steps:

  • Go Application > General > SAML Settings and press Edit button.
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  • On step Edit SAML Integration go to Configure SAML tab and paste:
  • URL from Ping Identity ACS ENDPOINT field in the field Single sign-on URL;
  • Value PINGONE (SP) ENTITY ID from PingIdentity in the field Audience URI (SP Entity ID).
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Step arrow right iconII. Add the identity provider in PingOne

 follow these steps below:

Step arrow right iconStep 1.

Go to Connections → External IDPs.

Step arrow right iconStep 2.

Click + Add Provider.

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Step arrow right iconStep 3.

Click SAML.

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Step arrow right iconStep 4.

On the Create Profile screen, enter the following:

  • Name. A unique identifier for the identity provider.
  • Description (optional). A brief characterization of the identity provider.
  • Icon (optional). An image to represent the identity provider. Use a file up to 1MB in JPG, JPEG, GIF, or PNG format.
  • Login button (optional). An image to be used for the login button that the end user will see. Use a 300 X 42 pixel image.

Step arrow right iconStep 5.

Click Continue.

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Step arrow right iconStep 6.

On the Configure PingOne Connection screen, following options can be configured:

  • PingOne (SP) entity ID. The entity ID for the Service Provider, which is used as the 
     when PingOne sends a request to the external identity provider (= Application (client) ID). The identity provider can also use this value to ensure that requests from the Service Provider are valid. By default, this ID is based on the value you entered for Name.
  • Signing certificate. Specifies the service provider’s signing certificate.
  • Signing algorithm. Select the algorithm to be used for signing metadata. The options are RSA\SHA256, RSA\SHA384, and RSA\SHA512.
  • Sign AuthN request. Specifies whether the SAML authentication request will be signed when sending it to the identity provider.

Step arrow right iconStep 7.

Click Continue.

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Step arrow right iconStep 8.

On the Configure IDP Connection screen, specify the details of the connection between the identity provider and PingOne. You can enter the values manually, or import them from a file.

  • Import metadata. Select this option to import the configuration details from an XML metadata file. Click Choose, and then select an XML metadata file on your file system. Click Open.
  • Import from URL. Select this option to import the configuration details from an IdP metadata URL. The URL must be a valid absolute URL. Enter the URL and then click Import.

Step arrow right iconIII. Add Metadata URL

 follow these steps below:

Step arrow right iconStep 1.

Go to Okta > Applications > Application > Sign On.

Step arrow right iconStep 2.

Click on Actions button and select View IdP metadata.

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Step arrow right iconStep 3.

Copy URL from the page.

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Manually enter. Select this option to enter the configuration details manually. Enter the following information:

  • ACS endpoint. Shows the Assertion Consumer Service URL. The ACS endpoint is where the single sign-on (SSO) tokens are sent. Copy this value and enter it into the identify provider configuration.
  • SSO endpoint. Specifies the SSO endpoint for the authentication request. Only authentication requests can be sent to the SSO endpoint.
  • IDP entity ID. Specifies the identity provider’s entity ID.
  • SSO binding. Specifies the binding to use for the authentication request. Select HTTP Post or HTTP Redirect.

Step arrow right iconIV. Continue IDP Configuration

 follow these steps below:

Step arrow right iconStep 1.

Click Save and Continue.

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Step arrow right iconStep 3.

 Click Save and Finish.

Step arrow right iconDo not forget

  • Enable the External Identity Provider.
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  • Create a new Authentication Policy and add the newly created External Identity Provider to it.
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  • Add the Authentication Policy to the application.
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Once all configurations are done, you can log in to Fluent web app using the corporate user credentials. If the connection is configured correctly, the user will be redirected to the Okta login screen and after entering the correct credentials, the user will get access to Fluent Web App.

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