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Displaying Inventory Quantity sum and count on the Inventory Position UI Page

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

20 Sept 2023

Key Points

  • You can show the Inventory Quantity sum and count in the UI via modifications of the manifest
  • `sum`
    values are retrieved via custom queries and then displayed in the UI
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Step arrow right iconGo to manifest where showing the inventory

Go to the setting that displays the Inventory Position details. In my case, I am using:


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Step arrow right iconUpdate the manifest

Go to the section


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Add the following code snippet to the query:

1allactive:inventoryQuantityAggregate(position:{ref:$ref catalogue:{ref:$catalogueRef}} type:[\"SALE\",\"RESERVED\"] status:\"ACTIVE\" ) { count sum} 
3sale:inventoryQuantityAggregate(position:{ref:$ref catalogue:{ref:$catalogueRef}} type:\"SALE\" status:\"ACTIVE\" ) { count sum}  
5reserved:inventoryQuantityAggregate(position:{ref:$ref catalogue:{ref:$catalogueRef}} type:\"RESERVED\" status:\"ACTIVE\" ) { count sum} 

Language: plain_text

Name: update query


[Warning: empty required content area]

The whole query would look like:

1"query": "query ($ref: String!, $catalogueRef: String!, $lastOnHandRef: [String!], $quantities_first: Int) {\n allactive:inventoryQuantityAggregate(position:{ref:$ref catalogue:{ref:$catalogueRef}} type:[\"SALE\",\"RESERVED\"] status:\"ACTIVE\" ) { count sum} sale:inventoryQuantityAggregate(position:{ref:$ref catalogue:{ref:$catalogueRef}} type:\"SALE\" status:\"ACTIVE\" ) { count sum}  reserved:inventoryQuantityAggregate(position:{ref:$ref catalogue:{ref:$catalogueRef}} type:\"RESERVED\" status:\"ACTIVE\" ) { count sum} inventoryPosition(ref: $ref, catalogue: {ref: $catalogueRef}) {\n    id\n    __typename\n    ref\n    type\n    productRef\n    locationRef\n    status\n    onHand\n    ...Quantities\n    catalogue {\n      ref\n    }\n    ...attributes\n    createdOn\n    updatedOn\n    lastOnHand: quantities(ref: $lastOnHandRef) {\n      edges {\n        node {\n          ref\n          quantity\n          updatedOn\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nfragment attributes on InventoryPosition {\n  attributes {\n    name\n    type\n    value\n  }\n}\n\nfragment Quantities on InventoryPosition {\n  quantities(first: $quantities_first) {\n    edges {\n      node {\n        id\n        ref\n        quantity\n        condition\n        expectedOn\n        updatedOn\n        type\n        status\n        catalogue {\n          ref\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}",

Language: plain_text

Name: query


[Warning: empty required content area]

 Scroll to the descendants section to include 3 card attributes:

2    "component": "fc.card.attribute",
3    "props": {
4        "title": "Reserved Details",
5        "width": "half",
6        "dataSource": "reserved",
7        "attributes": [
8            {
9                "label": "No. of Active Reserved Entries",
10                "template": "{{count}}"
11            },
12            {
13                "label": "Total No. of Qty in Reserved",
14                "template": "{{sum}}"
15            }
16        ]
17    }
20    "component": "fc.card.attribute",
21    "props": {
22        "title": "Sales Details",
23        "width": "half",
24        "dataSource": "sale",
25        "attributes": [
26            {
27                "label": "No. of Active sales Entries",
28                "template": "{{count}}"
29            },
30            {
31                "label": "Total No. of Qty in SALE",
32                "template": "{{sum}}"
33            }
34        ]
35    }
38    "component": "fc.card.attribute",
39    "props": {
40        "title": "ACTIVE Details",
41        "width": "full",
42        "dataSource": "allactive",
43        "attributes": [
44            {
45                "label": "No. of ALL Active (sales/reserved) Entries",
46                "template": "{{count}}"
47            },
48            {
49                "label": "Total No. of Qty in sales and reserved",
50                "template": "{{sum}}"
51            }
52        ]
53    }

Language: json

Name: mystique manifest


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconThe result

Save the setting and refresh the IP screen. You should see:

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Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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