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Enable Add Comment functionality

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

29 Sept 2023

Key Points

  •  Comments can be added to Fluent OMS web app by modifying the manifest, this article covers the required steps.


Step-by-step guide

Step arrow right iconStep 1

Enable the Add Comment mutation for the Credit Memo in the manifest:

Initial Manifest


No alt providedNo alt provided
2    "path": "creditmemo/:ref",
3    "component": "fc.page",
4    "type": "page",
5    "data": {
6        "query": "query ($ref:String!, $items_first: Int, $comments_first: Int, $items_after: String ) { creditMemo(ref: $ref) {id __typename ref type status billingAccount{ref name} items(first: $items_first, after: $items_after) { edges { node { ref type description createdOn   }} } attributes {name type value } createdOn} comments(first: $comments_first, entityRef: [$ref], entityType: \"CREDIT_MEMO\"){ edges {node { text createdOn }}}}",
7        "variables": {
8            "ref": "{{params.ref}}",
9            "comments_first": 100,
10            "items_first": 100
11        }
12    },
13    "props": {
14        "title": "Credit Memo - {{creditMemo.ref}}",
15        "actions": {
16            "primary": [
17                {
18                    "type": "mutation",
19                    "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.userAction.addComment",
20                    "name": "createComment",
21                    "filter": {
22                        "type": "exclude",
23                        "names": [
24                            "entityId"
25                        ]
26                    },
27                    "overrides": {
28                        "entityRef": {
29                            "defaultValue": "{{creditMemo.ref}}"
30                        },
31                        "entityType": {
32                            "defaultValue": "CREDIT_MEMO"
33                        }
34                    }
35                }
36            ]
37        },
38        "backButtons": [
39            {
40                "path": "billing/{{creditMemo.billingAccount.ref}}",
41                "menuLabel": "Back to Billing Account ({{creditMemo.billingAccount.name}})"
42            }
43        ]
44    }

Language: json

Name: Code Sample


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconStep 2

Use descendants to add the Comments tab to the Credit Memo Details page:

Initial Manifest


No alt providedNo alt provided
1{"descendants": [
2    {
3        "component": "fc.tabs",
4        "props": {
5            "layouts": [
6                {
7                    "label": "i18n:fc.om.creditmemo.detail.tab.details.label"
8                },
9                {
10                    "label": "i18n:fc.om.creditmemo.detail.tab.attributes.label"
11                },
12                {
13                    "label": "i18n:fc.om.creditmemo.detail.tab.activity.label"
14                },
15                {
16                    "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.comments.label"
17                }
18            ]
19        }
20    }]
21    }

Language: json

Name: Code Sample


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconStep 3

To add the Comments table to the Comments tab, use a new descendant extending it with a new component (

), including its descendant 

Initial Manifest


No alt providedNo alt provided
2    "component": "fc.page.section",
3    "descendants": [
4        {
5            "component": "fc.activity.entity",
6            "dataSource": "creditMemo",
7            "props": {
8                "width": "12",
9                "showChildEntities": true
10            }
11        }
12    ]
15    "component": "fc.page.section",
16    "descendants": [
17        {
18            "component": "fc.list",
19            "props": {
20                "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.title",
21                "dataSource": "comments",
22                "responsiveness": "card",
23                "attributes": [
24                    {
25                        "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.comment.heading",
26                        "template": "{{node.text}}"
27                    },
28                    {
29                        "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.date.heading",
30                        "template": "{{dateStringFormatter node.createdOn}} ({{dateRelative node.createdOn}})"
31                    }
32                ]
33            }
34        }
35    ]

Language: json

Name: Code Sample


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconQ&A

What can I do to hide a field on the Add Comment form?

To hide fields, you should use value instead of defaultValue. See the example below:

1{"overrides": {
2    "entityRef": {
3        "value": "{{creditMemo.ref}}"
4    },
5    "entityType": {
6        "value": "CREDIT_MEMO"
7    }

Language: json

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]

What can I do to see who left the comment?

Step 1. Verify the query is extended with the comment’s author (

`user {firstName lastName}`
). See the example below:

1comments(first: $comments_first, entityRef: [$ref], entityType: \"ORDER\"){ edges {node { text user {firstName lastName} createdOn }}}}",

Language: json

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step 2. Extend the Comments table with a new column where information about the comment’s author will be displayed. See the example below:

2  "component": "fc.page.section",
3  "descendants": [
4    {
5      "component": "fc.list",
6      "props": {
7        "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.title",
8        "dataSource": "comments",
9        "responsiveness": "card",
10        "attributes": [
11          {
12            "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.comment.heading",
13            "template": "{{node.text}}"
14          },
15          {
16            "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.user.heading",
17            "template": "{{node.user.firstName}} {{node.user.lastName}}"
18          },
19          {
20            "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.date.heading",
21            "template": "{{dateStringFormatter node.createdOn}} ({{dateRelative node.createdOn}})"
22          }
23        ]
24      }
25    }
26  ]

Language: json

Name: Example


[Warning: empty required content area]
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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