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Enable Navbar Badges

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Dec 2023

Key Points

  • Overview
  • Who is this guide for?
  • Steps to enable navigation bar badges with an example
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Steps to enable navigation bar badges with an example

Step arrow right iconStep 1

Find the relevant queryName from GraphQL Schema queries.

For Example, 

 queryName will show data about waves.

Step arrow right iconStep 2: Set the variables

  • A property used to access 
     query to filter data. For Example: 
    `processingLocation {ref}`
     is taken to filter data according to the location.
  • In-progress Waves contain waves with the status pick, pack, and dispatch. Hence, set the 

Step arrow right iconStep 3. Set thresholds values (Optional)

  • Set thresholdLow value = 
    `Any Number`
     to show a green color badge if the result is less than this threshold. For Example, 3 (If the result is less than 3, the badge will be green color.)
  • Set thresholdHigh value = 
    `Any Number`
     to show a red color badge if the result is more than this threshold. For Example, 5 (If the result is more than 5, the badge will be red color but if the result is between 3 and 5 the badge will be orange.)

Step arrow right iconStep 4. Put the badge configuration in nav object of the waves page manifest.i.e. fc.mystique.manifest.store.fragment.waves.

1"nav": {
2                "label": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.waves.index.nav",
3                "icon": "store",
4                "badge": {
5                    "queryName": "waves",
6                    "variables": {
7                        "processingLocation": {
8                            "ref": "{{activeLocation.ref}}"
9                        },
10                        "status": [
11                            "PICK",
12                            "PACK",
13                            "DISPATCH"
14                        ]
15                    },
16                    "thresholds": {
17                        "thresholdHigh": 5,
18                        "thresholdLow": 3
19                    }
20                }
21            }

Language: json

Name: Sample Navigation Configuration for Waves page


[Warning: empty required content area]
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  • The image displays '7' results on the In Progress Waves dashboard tile.
  • The image displays the result count of 7 from the 
     GraphQL query on Waves navigation bar badge.
  • The count '7' is above thresholdHigh which is why the color of the badge is red.
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