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Enable Phone Camera scanning in Fluent STORE Picking

How-to Guide


Randy Chan

Changed on:

4 Feb 2025

Key Points

  • A step-by-step guide to enable phone camera scanning for product picking.
  • Configuration


Step arrow right iconConfigure setting: fc.mystique.fields.picklist

The full details of the picklist setting can be found here.

2    "query": "query ($waveId: ID!) {  pickwave:waveById(id: $waveId) {      items(first: 100) {          edges {             node {                 quantity                product {             name                         ... on VariantProduct {             __typename        ref                     gtin                    stdProduct:product{ ... on StandardProduct{               __typename       ref                      attributes{                        name                        value                        }    }                }                     catalogue {                       ref                     }                     attributes {                       name                       value                     }                     categories(first: 1) {                       edges {                         node {                           name                         }                       }                     }                   }                 }             }         }     } }}",
3    "startQuantityAtMax": false,
4    "dataSource": "pickwave.items",
5    "attributes": [
6        {
7            "label": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.productName.heading",
8            "value": "{{img product.attributes.byName.imageUrl product.attributes.byName.imageUrlRef alt='alt' width=50 margin='0.5em'}} {{product.name}}",
9            "sortBy": "product.name"
10        },
11        {
12            "label": "Barcode",
13            "value": "{{product.gtin}}",
14            "sortBy": "product.gtin"
15        },
16        {
17            "label": "brandname",
18            "value": "{{product.stdProduct.attributes.byName.imageUrl}}",
19            "sortBy": "product.stdProduct.attributes.byName.imageUrl"
20        },
21        {
22            "label": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.sku.heading",
23            "value": "{{product.ref}}",
24            "sortBy": "product.ref"
25        }
26    ],
27    "scanner": {
28        "enableCameraScanner": true,
29        "scannerFields": [
30            "product.gtin",
31            "product.ref",
32            "product.name",
33            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE1",
34            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE2",
35            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE3"
36        ],
37        "filterFields": [
38            "product.gtin",
39            "product.ref",
40            "product.name",
41            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE1",
42            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE2",
43            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE3"
44        ],
45        "rowId": "product.ref",
46        "scanTimeout": 200,
47        "incrementBy": 1,
48        "toastTimeout": 2000,
49        "highlightDuration": 300,
50        "camera": {
51            "decoders": [
52                "code_128_reader",
53                "qr_reader"
54            ]
55        }
56    },
57    "rowExpansion": [
58        {
59            "component": "fc.card.attributes.grid",
60            "dataSource": "product.attributes",
61            "props": {
62                "exclude": [
63                    "imageUrl",
64                    "imageUrlRef"
65                ]
66            }
67        }
68    ]

Language: json

Name: fc.mystique.fields.picklist JSON


Sample JSON that enables scanning code 128 and QR code.

Note that you can declare which

will detect scanning.

Step arrow right iconSample Barcode for testing

You can use https://barcode.tec-it.com/en/Code128?data=02020202002 to generate a sample barcode where a barcode is matching with your product's scanner field.

Step arrow right iconTest scanning with your phone

Here are some of the sample testing:

Pick Scanning by productRef:

Pick Scanning by productRef:

Pick Scanning by GTIN code-128:

Pick Scanning by GTIN code-128:

Pick Scanning by QR Code:

Pick Scanning by QR Code:

Item not found:

Item not found:

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