Install Reference Modules using Plugin and Workflow APIs
How-to Guide
Girish Padmanabha
Changed on:
2 July 2024
Key Points
- Reference Modules: There are four reference modules: Core, Order, Fulfilment, and Inventory
- Version: Always download and install the latest version of the module
- Extraction: Unzip the downloaded file using system-appropriate software
- Verification: Ensure the extracted folder follows the naming pattern fc-module-<domain>-<pluginVersion>
- Assets Folder: Confirm the extracted folder contains the "assets" folder, which includes "rules" and "workflows" subfolders
- Jar File: Within the "rules" folder, locate the jar file named fc-plugin-<domain>-<pluginVersion>. Keep track of the domain and version numbers
- Workflows: In the "workflows" folder, ensure default workflows with placeholders are appropriately customized for your account
Download the Module:
- Navigate to the Package type Buiding Block
- Select and download the latest version of the desired module (Core, Order, Fulfilment, Inventory)
Unzip the File:
Use system-appropriate software (e.g., WinRAR for Windows, Unarchiver for macOS) to unzip the downloaded file
Verify the Extracted Folder:
- Ensure the root folder follows the pattern
- Check that the folder contains an "assets" directory with "rules" and "workflows" subfolders
Check the "rules" Folder:
- Locate the jar file named in the "rules" folder
- Note the domain and version numbers
Review the "workflows" Folder:
- Examine the workflows provided for different entities within the domain
- Replace any placeholders with account-specific values
Upload and Install the Plugin:
- Follow the steps in the Plugin API documentation to upload and install the relevant plugin
- Ensure while installing the plugin, the below bundle name and version used matches the pattern below
Reference Module | Bundle Name Pattern |
core |
fulfilment |
order |
inventory |
- Verify that the plugin is active before proceeding to the next step
Upload Workflows:
- Ensure all placeholders in the workflows are correctly replaced with relevant values
- Upload each workflow individually, following the steps in the Workflow API documentation
Complete the Installation:
- Confirm all steps are completed and verify the module is functioning as expected
- Follow these steps for installing new versions when released