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SCIM Connector Roles Configuration

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 Feb 2024

Key Points

  • When an enterprise application needs to be configured in Azure, App roles need to be added on Azure Active Directory, and dynamic roles need to be set up on Fluent OMS.
  • it’s possible to manage the roles individually or via Group management on Microsoft Entra.


App Roles Configuration

Step arrow right iconStep 2

Select Enterprise applications then select your enterprise application.

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Select User and groups then Application Registration.

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Select Create app role CTA.

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Step arrow right iconStep 5

Fill in the form and click Apply CTA

Please ensure the Value field in the form following the App role convention:

Note: The display name itself could be anything explanatory. It is the “value” which should follow the pattern.

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Step arrow right iconStep 6

Review the role which has just been created

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Dynamic Roles Configuration

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Go to Settings in OMS, find and open the key 


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Make sure to configure inside rules: the elements below:

  • `"condition"`
    : a fixed text
  • `"type": "HAS_APP_ROLE"`
    : a fixed text
  • `"appRole"`
    : is the IDP Logical role defined in App Roles Configuration section that will be translated from.
  • `action`
    : a fixed text
    : a fixed text
  • `"sourceAppRole"`
    : is the IDP Logical role defined in App Roles Configuration that will be translated from.
  • `"targetRoles"`
    : is a list of Fluent roles defined in OMS > Admin > Settings > Roles & Permissions that will be translated to.

You can configure many rules as required.

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2    "rules": [
3        {
4            "condition": {
5                "type": "HAS_APP_ROLE",
6                "appRole": "Store_Colleague"
7            },
8            "action": {
9                "type": "MAPPING_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT",
10                "sourceAppRole": "Store_Colleague",
11                "targetRoles": [
12                    "STORE",
13                    "CUSTOMER_COLLECTION_MANAGER",
14                    "RETURNS_MANAGER"
15                ]
16            }
17        },
18        {
19            "condition": {
20                "type": "HAS_APP_ROLE",
21                "appRole": "Dat_Test"
22            },
23            "action": {
24                "type": "MAPPING_ROLE_ASSIGNMENT",
25                "sourceAppRole": "Dat_Test",
26                "targetRoles": [
27                    "STORE",
28                    "CUSTOMER_COLLECTION_MANAGER",
29                    "GRAPHQL"
30                ]
31            }
32        }
33    ]

Language: json

Name: Sample


[Warning: empty required content area]

User Management

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Group Management

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How to assign roles to groups: The same steps of “How to assign roles to the user,” but instead of selecting users, you can select the groups and continue assigning roles to them.

Step arrow right iconStep 3

How to provision a group: Fluent SCIM connector does not support provisioning groups

Fluent Commerce

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