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Storing HTTP links on different entities (packing slips, delivery slips, invoices...)

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

15 Feb 2024

Key Points

  • Clients frequently are requesting information such as packing slips, delivery slips or invoices to be accessible through a clickable link in Admin Console. This can be achieved through a Mystique configuration.
  • HTTP links can be stored as attributes against an entity.
  • The attributes can be displayed as a clickable link in admin console.


Step arrow right iconIdentifying the area that has to be modified in Mystique config

Identify the area in you Mystique config where you want to add a http link where the link is sourced from an attribute

Step arrow right iconAdding the Mystique configuration

Add the mystique configuration, for example:

2        "label": "Printing Slip",
3        "dataSource":"attributes",
4        "template": "{{value}}",
5        "link_template": "{{value}}",
6        "filterFirst":
7        {"name":"printing_slip", "type":"STRING"}
8      }

Language: json

Name: Mystique config


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconAdapting the graphQL query

Adapt the graphQL query to extract the attributes, for example:

1query ($id: ID!) { orderById(id: $id) { id ref status type createdOn retailer{id tradingName} ...Customer ...Items  ...fulfilments ...fulfilmentChoice ...financialTransactions attributes { name type value } } comments(entityId: [$id], entityType: \"ORDER\"){ edges {node {id text entityId entityType, text, createdOn, updatedOn }}} }

Language: graphqlschema

Name: graphQL query


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconAdding the attribute to the entity

Add the corresponding attribute to the entity and reload Admin Console. The attribute link will show as per the below screenshot (example):

No alt provided

Step arrow right iconOrder summary sample with clickable attributes

Full Sample of the order summary sage with clickable attributes:

2  "path": "orders/:id",
3  "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicPage",
4  "menuIcon": "shopping_cart",
5  "params": {
6    "title": "{{orderById.ref}} - {{orderById.status}}",
7    "showUserActions": true,
8    "backButtons": [
9      {
10        "path": "orders",
11        "menuLabel": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.breadcrumb.backToOrders"
12      },
13      {
14        "path": "customers/{{orderById.customer.id}}",
15        "menuLabel": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.breadcrumb.viewCustomer"
16      }
17    ],
18    "graphql": {
19      "query": "query ($id: ID!) { orderById(id: $id) { id ref status type createdOn retailer{id tradingName} ...Customer ...Items  ...fulfilments ...fulfilmentChoice ...financialTransactions attributes { name type value } } comments(entityId: [$id], entityType: \"ORDER\"){ edges {node {id text entityId entityType, text, createdOn, updatedOn }}} } ",
20      "variables": {
21        "id": "{{params.id}}"
22      }
23    },
24    "primaryButtons": [
25      {
26        "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.userAction.editOrder",
27        "mutation": "updateOrder",
28        "arguments": {
29          "id": "{{id}}"
30        }
31      }
32    ],
33    "secondaryButtons": [
34      {
35        "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.userAction.addFulfilment",
36        "mutation": "createFulfilment"
37      },
38      {
39        "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.userAction.addComment",
40        "mutation": "createComment",
41        "defaultValues": {
42          "entityId": "{{orderById.id}}",
43          "entityType": "ORDER"
44        }
45      }
46    ],
47    "layouts": [
48      {
49        "component": "shared.components.material.MaterialTabsSet",
50        "params": {
51          "layouts": [
52            {
53              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
54              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.details.label",
55              "params": {
56                "layouts": [
57                  {
58                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicCard",
59                    "params": {
60                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.title",
61                      "half": true,
62                      "dataSource": "orderById",
63                      "attributes": [
64                        {
65                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.attribute.orderType.label",
66                          "template": "{{type}}"
67                        },
68                        {
69                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.attribute.orderStatus.label",
70                          "template": "{{status}}"
71                        },
72                        {
73                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.attribute.creationDate.label",
74                          "template": "{{formatDate createdOn day='numeric' month='numeric' year='numeric'}}"
75                        },
76                        {
77                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.summary.attribute.returns.label",
78                          "template": "Search for Returns",
79                          "link_template": "#/returns?ref[]={{ref}}-"
80                        },
81                        {
82                          "label": "Printing Slip",
83                          "dataSource":"attributes",
84                          "template": "{{value}}",
85                          "link_template": "{{value}}",
86                          "filterFirst":
87                          {"name":"printing_slip", "type":"STRING"}
88                        },
89                        {
90                          "label": "Delivery Slip",
91                          "dataSource":"attributes",
92                          "template": "{{value}}",
93                          "link_template": "{{value}}",
94                          "filterFirst":
95                          {"name":"delivery_slip", "type":"STRING"}
96                        }
97                      ]
98                    }
99                  },
100                  {
101                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicCard",
102                    "params": {
103                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.retailerInfo.title",
104                      "half": true,
105                      "dataSource": "orderById",
106                      "attributes": [
107                        {
108                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.retailerInfo.attribute.retailerID.label",
109                          "template": "{{retailer.id}}"
110                        },
111                        {
112                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.retailerInfo.attribute.retailer.label",
113                          "template": "{{retailer.tradingName}}"
114                        }
115                      ]
116                    }
117                  },
118                  {
119                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicCard",
120                    "params": {
121                      "graphql": {
122                        "fragment": "fragment Customer on Order{ customer { id firstName lastName primaryEmail primaryPhone   } } "
123                      },
124                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.customer.title",
125                      "half": true,
126                      "dataSource": "orderById.customer",
127                      "attributes": [
128                        {
129                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.customer.attribute.customerName.label",
130                          "template": "{{firstName}} {{lastName}}",
131                          "link_template": "#/customers/{{id}}"
132                        },
133                        {
134                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.customer.attribute.phoneNo..label",
135                          "template": "{{primaryPhone}}"
136                        },
137                        {
138                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.customer.attribute.email.label",
139                          "template": "{{primaryEmail}}"
140                        }
141                      ]
142                    }
143                  },
144                  {
145                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicCard",
146                    "params": {
147                      "graphql": {
148                        "fragment": "fragment fulfilmentChoice on Order{ fulfilmentChoice { id pickupLocationRef deliveryAddress {id name street city state postcode country} deliveryInstruction deliveryType } } "
149                      },
150                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.title",
151                      "half": true,
152                      "dataSource": "orderById.fulfilmentChoice",
153                      "attributes": [
154                        {
155                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.pickupLocationRef.label",
156                          "template": "{{pickupLocationRef}}"
157                        },
158                        {
159                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.customerName.label",
160                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.name}}"
161                        },
162                        {
163                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.street.label",
164                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.street}}"
165                        },
166                        {
167                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.city.label",
168                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.city}}"
169                        },
170                        {
171                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.state.label",
172                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.state}}"
173                        },
174                        {
175                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.postcode.label",
176                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.postcode}}"
177                        },
178                        {
179                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.country.label",
180                          "template": "{{deliveryAddress.country}}"
181                        },
182                        {
183                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.deliveryType.label",
184                          "template": "{{deliveryType}}"
185                        },
186                        {
187                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.card.deliveryInfo.attribute.deliveryInstructions.label",
188                          "template": "{{deliveryInstruction}}"
189                        }
190                      ]
191                    }
192                  },
193                  {
194                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
195                    "params": {
196                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.title",
197                      "graphql": {
198                        "fragment": "fragment Items on Order{ items{ edges { node { id ref price quantity product {name} } } } } "
199                      },
200                      "defaultPageSize": 10,
201                      "dataSource": "orderById.items",
202                      "attributes": [
203                        {
204                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.column.ref.heading",
205                          "template": "{{node.ref}}",
206                          "link_template": "#/orderitems/{{node.id}}"
207                        },
208                        {
209                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.column.productName.heading",
210                          "template": "{{node.product.name}}"
211                        },
212                        {
213                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.column.quantity.heading",
214                          "template": "{{node.quantity}}"
215                        },
216                        {
217                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.orderItems.column.price.heading",
218                          "template": "{{node.price}}"
219                        }
220                      ]
221                    }
222                  }
223                ]
224              }
225            },
226            {
227              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
228              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.fulfilments.label",
229              "params": {
230                "layouts": [
231                  {
232                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
233                    "params": {
234                      "graphql": {
235                        "fragment": "fragment fulfilments on Order{ fulfilments { edges { node { id deliveryType status eta fromAddress { companyName } toAddress { companyName name } }} } } "
236                      },
237                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.title",
238                      "dataSource": "orderById.fulfilments",
239                      "attributes": [
240                        {
241                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.id.heading",
242                          "template": "{{node.id}}",
243                          "link_template": "#/fulfilment/{{node.id}}"
244                        },
245                        {
246                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.status.heading",
247                          "template": "{{node.status}}"
248                        },
249                        {
250                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.deliveryType.heading",
251                          "template": "{{node.deliveryType}}"
252                        },
253                        {
254                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.fulfilmentLocation.heading",
255                          "template": "{{node.fromAddress.companyName}}"
256                        },
257                        {
258                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.destination.heading",
259                          "template": "{{node.toAddress.companyName}} {{node.toAddress.name}}"
260                        },
261                        {
262                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.fulfilments.column.eTA.heading",
263                          "template": "{{node.eta}}"
264                        }
265                      ]
266                    }
267                  }
268                ]
269              }
270            },
271            {
272              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
273              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.transactions.label",
274              "params": {
275                "layouts": [
276                  {
277                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
278                    "params": {
279                      "graphql": {
280                        "fragment": "fragment financialTransactions on Order{ financialTransactions { edges { node {ref createdOn status type cardType paymentMethod total }} } } "
281                      },
282                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.title",
283                      "dataSource": "orderById.financialTransactions",
284                      "attributes": [
285                        {
286                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.ref.heading",
287                          "template": "{{node.ref}}"
288                        },
289                        {
290                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.createdOn.heading",
291                          "template": "{{formatDate node.createdOn day='numeric' month='numeric' year='numeric'}}"
292                        },
293                        {
294                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.status.heading",
295                          "template": "{{node.status}}"
296                        },
297                        {
298                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.type.heading",
299                          "template": "{{node.type}}"
300                        },
301                        {
302                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.cardType.heading",
303                          "template": "{{node.cardType}}"
304                        },
305                        {
306                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.paymentMethod.heading",
307                          "template": "{{node.paymentMethod}}"
308                        },
309                        {
310                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.transactions.column.amount.heading",
311                          "template": "{{node.total}}"
312                        }
313                      ]
314                    }
315                  }
316                ]
317              }
318            },
319            {
320              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
321              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.attributes.label",
322              "params": {
323                "layouts": [
324                  {
325                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
326                    "params": {
327                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.attributes.title",
328                      "dataSource": "orderById.attributes",
329                      "attributes": [
330                        {
331                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.attributes.column.name.heading",
332                          "template": "{{name}}"
333                        },
334                        {
335                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.attributes.column.type.heading",
336                          "template": "{{type}}"
337                        },
338                        {
339                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.attributes.column.value.heading",
340                          "template": "{{value}}",
341                          "link_template": "{{value}}"
342                        }
343                      ]
344                    }
345                  }
346                ]
347              }
348            },
349            {
350              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
351              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.comments.label",
352              "params": {
353                "layouts": [
354                  {
355                    "component": "shared.components.material.DynamicList",
356                    "params": {
357                      "graphql": {
358                        "fragment": "fragment financialTransactions on Order{ financialTransactions { edges { node {ref createdOn status type cardType paymentMethod total }} } } "
359                      },
360                      "title": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.title",
361                      "dataSource": "comments",
362                      "attributes": [
363                        {
364                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.comment.heading",
365                          "template": "{{node.text}}"
366                        },
367                        {
368                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.createdOn.heading",
369                          "template": "{{formatDate node.createdOn day='numeric' month='numeric' year='numeric'}}"
370                        },
371                        {
372                          "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.list.comments.column.updatedOn.heading",
373                          "template": "{{formatDate node.updatedOn day='numeric' month='numeric' year='numeric'}}"
374                        }
375                      ]
376                    }
377                  }
378                ]
379              }
380            },
381            {
382              "component": "shared.components.material.SubLayoutContent",
383              "label": "i18n:fc.om.orders.detail.tab.activity.label",
384              "params": {
385                "layouts": [
386                  {
387                    "component": "shared.components.EntityActivity",
388                    "params": {
389                      "showChildEntities": true
390                    }
391                  }
392                ]
393              }
394            }
395          ]
396        }
397      }
398    ]
399  }

Language: json

Name: Order summary sample


[Warning: empty required content area]
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

Copyright © 2024 Fluent Retail Pty Ltd (trading as Fluent Commerce). All rights reserved. No materials on this docs.fluentcommerce.com site may be used in any way and/or for any purpose without prior written authorisation from Fluent Commerce. Current customers and partners shall use these materials strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of their written agreements with Fluent Commerce or its affiliates.

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