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Supporting SKU with multiple barcodes during the picking

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

29 Apr 2024

Key Points

  •  A typical scenario where the EAN 13 barcode (e.g.,
    ) and sometimes the barcode on the physical product might not include the leading 0. So when the product gets scanned, it will return
    rather than
    , and the Pick screen will not be able to find the product from the pick list.
  • We can utilize product attributes to include possible barcodes and to include fields.


Step arrow right iconAdding the setting

Setup the setting: fc.mystique.fields.picklist

2    "query": "query ($waveId: ID!) {  pickwave:waveById(id: $waveId) {      items(first: 100) {          edges {             node {                 quantity                product {             name                         ... on VariantProduct {             __typename        ref                     gtin                    stdProduct:product{ ... on StandardProduct{               __typename       ref                      attributes{                        name                        value                        }    }                }                     catalogue {                       ref                     }                     attributes {                       name                       value                     }                     categories(first: 1) {                       edges {                         node {                           name                         }                       }                     }                   }                 }             }         }     } }}",
3    "startQuantityAtMax": false,
4    "dataSource": "pickwave.items",
5    "attributes": [
6        {
7            "label": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.productName.heading",
8            "value": "{{img product.attributes.byName.imageUrl product.attributes.byName.imageUrlRef alt='alt' width=50 margin='0.5em'}} {{product.name}}",
9            "sortBy": "product.name"
10        },
11        {
12            "label": "Barcode",
13            "value": "{{product.gtin}}",
14            "sortBy": "product.gtin"
15        },
16        {
17            "label": "StdProductName",
18            "value": "{{product.stdProduct.ref}}",
19            "sortBy": "product.stdProduct.ref"
20        },
21        {
22            "label": "brandname",
23            "value": "{{product.stdProduct.attributes.byName.imageUrl}}",
24            "sortBy": "product.stdProduct.attributes.byName.imageUrl"
25        },
26        {
27            "label": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.wave.pickAndPack.list.pick.column.sku.heading",
28            "value": "{{product.ref}}",
29            "sortBy": "product.ref"
30        }
31    ],
32    "scanner": {
33        "scannerFields": [
34            "product.gtin",
35            "product.ref",
36            "product.name",
37            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE1",
38            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE2",
39            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE3"
40        ],
41        "filterFields": [
42            "product.gtin",
43            "product.ref",
44            "product.name",
45            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE1",
46            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE2",
47            "product.attributes.byName.BARCODE3"
48        ],
49        "rowId": "product.ref",
50        "scanTimeout": 200,
51        "incrementBy": 1,
52        "toastTimeout": 2000,
53        "highlightDuration": 300
54    },
55    "rowExpansion": [
56        {
57            "component": "fc.card.attributes.grid",
58            "dataSource": "product.attributes",
59            "props": {
60                "exclude": [
61                    "imageUrl",
62                    "imageUrlRef"
63                ]
64            }
65        }
66    ]

Language: json

Name: Adding the setting


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconPutting it all together: animation

Video to demonstrate scan barcode and search in attributes:

To be Provided.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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