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Switch Store Locations

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

29 Apr 2024

Key Points

  • This guide shows you how to seamlessly switch Store Locations within the Fluent Store web app
  • This guide is aimed at In-Store users
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Step arrow right iconWho is this guide for?

This guide is aimed at In Store users.

Step arrow right iconPrerequisites

Step arrow right iconStep 1:

Log into Fluent Store as a user who has been granted access to multiple locations

Step arrow right iconStep 2:

Click on the active location in the top navigation bar, the list of available locations to navigate to should then appear in a dropdown. You can then switch to one of the available locations by choosing one from the list.

Step arrow right iconStep 3:

You can navigate back to the previous location by repeating Step 2 and choosing the original location

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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