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Troubleshoot PENDING status on Create Retailer Batch

How-to Guide


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

12 Feb 2024

Key Points

  •  Create retailer batch can get stuck in PENDING status in a few case scenarios (incorrect payload, missing settings...)
  • When this occurs, it’s not possible to create any new retailers on the account
  • The only way to resolve this is though an SRE ticket


Step arrow right iconWhen does Create Retailer Batch get stuck in PENDING status?

One of the scenario where the the Batch is stuck in PENDING status is when the create Retailer payload is missing RetailerID.  For example:

2  "action": "CREATE",
3  "entityType": "RETAILER",
4  "entities": [
5    {
6      "retailerName": "{{fluentAccountId_lower}}_retailer_M1",
7      "region": "AUS",
8      "tradingName": "M Retailer Co ",
9      "customerSupportPhone": "319319",
10      "customerSupportEmail": "randy.chanM@fluentcommerce.com",
11      "website": "http://www.fluentcommerce.com",
12      "summary" : "Retailer Summary",
13      "primaryEmail":  "randy.chanMM@fluentcommerce.com",
14      "supportContactName" : "R CHAN"
16    }
17  ]

Language: json

Name: Incorrect Create Retailer Batch


[Warning: empty required content area]

The correct payload should look like:

2  "action": "CREATE",
3  "entityType": "RETAILER",
4  "entities": [
5    {
6      "retailerId": "{{fluentAccountId_lower}}_retailer_M1",
7      "retailerName": "{{fluentAccountId_lower}}_retailer_M1",
8      "region": "AUS",
9      "tradingName": "M Retailer Co ",
10      "customerSupportPhone": "319319",
11      "customerSupportEmail": "randy.chanM@fluentcommerce.com",
12      "website": "http://www.fluentcommerce.com",
13      "summary" : "Retailer Summary",
14      "primaryEmail":  "randy.chanMM@fluentcommerce.com",
15      "supportContactName" : "R CHAN"
17    }
18  ]

Language: json

Name: Correct Create Retailer Batch


[Warning: empty required content area]

 Which include:

`"retailerId": "{{fluentAccountId_lower}}_retailer_M1",`

Step arrow right iconSymptoms

When the batch is stuck in PENDING status, the account will not able to create any new retailer:

No alt provided

Even create a new Job ID will still get stuck:

No alt provided

Step arrow right iconSolution

When this happen, the solution is to get SRE to update the batch status to COMPLETE status as they are the only one how have access to the backend.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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