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commercetools prerequisites

Essential knowledge


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

31 Jan 2024


commercetools connector enables the syncing between commercetools and the Fluent commerce system. There are specific settings that need to be configured in the commercetools system i.e.: custom fields, channels, etc.

Key points

  • The commercetools connector allows seamless integration between commercetools and Fluent. 
  • The connector requires a set of custom fields and channels on commercetools. This article covers all the settings that need to be added to commercetools.

Custom fields will be required for the following areas:

  • Order
  • Order Line Item
  • Delivery
  • Channels


  • Group key name: Fluent Custom Field
  • Field name: Pickup Location Ref
No alt provided

Order Line Item

  • Group key name : Fluent Fulfilment Metadata
  • Field name : Fulfilment Metadata


  • Group key name : Fluent Consignment
  • Field name : Fluent Consignment Ref
  • Fluent Consignment Status

Order Parcel

  • Group key name : Fluent Article
  • Field name : Fluent Tracking Url


  • Group key name: Fluent Store Details
  • Fields name:
  • Type
  • Status
  • Email
  • Phone No.
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Timezone
  • Opening Schedule
  • Attributes

commercetools Custom field collection

1    {
2    "info": {
3    "_postman_id": "a194556c-159f-4810-80a0-84776857dbae",
4    "name": "CT Custom Fields",
5    "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json",
6    "_exporter_id": "21544403"
7    },
8    "item": [
9    {
10    "name": "Create  Order custom field",
11    "event": [
12    {
13    "listen": "test",
14    "script": {
15    "exec": [
16    "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
17    "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
18    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
19    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
20    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
21    "}",
22    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
23    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
24    "}",
25    "if(data.version){",
26    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
27    "}",
28    "if(data.id){",
29    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.id); ",
30    "}",
31    "if(data.key){",
32    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
33    "}",
34    ""
35    ],
36    "type": "text/javascript"
37    }
38    }
39    ],
40    "request": {
41    "auth": {
42    "type": "oauth2",
43    "oauth2": [
44    {
45    "key": "accessToken",
46    "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
47    "type": "string"
48    },
49    {
50    "key": "addTokenTo",
51    "value": "header",
52    "type": "string"
53    },
54    {
55    "key": "tokenType",
56    "value": "Bearer",
57    "type": "string"
58    }
59    ]
60    },
61    "method": "POST",
62    "header": [
63    {
64    "key": "Content-Type",
65    "value": "application/json"
66    }
67    ],
68    "body": {
69    "mode": "raw",
70    "raw": "{\n  \"key\" : \"flOrderCustomField\",\n  \"name\" : {\n    \"en\" : \"Fluent Custom Field\"\n  },\n  \"description\" : {\n    \"en\" : \"Fluent Custom Field\"\n  },\n  \"resourceTypeIds\" : [ \"order\" ],\n  \"fieldDefinitions\" : [ {\n    \"name\" : \"flPickupLocationRef\",\n    \"label\" : {\n      \"en\" : \"Pickup Location Ref\"\n    },\n    \"required\" : false,\n    \"type\" : {\n      \"name\" : \"String\"\n    },\n    \"inputHint\" : \"SingleLine\"\n  } ]\n}"
71    },
72    "url": {
73    "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
74    "host": [
75    "{{host}}"
76    ],
77    "path": [
78    "{{project-key}}",
79    "types"
80    ],
81    "query": [
82    {
83    "key": "expand",
84    "value": "",
85    "disabled": true
86    }
87    ]
88    }
89    },
90    "response": []
91    },
92    {
93    "name": "Create Lineitems custom fields",
94    "event": [
95    {
96    "listen": "test",
97    "script": {
98    "exec": [
99    "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
100    "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
101    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
102    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
103    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
104    "}",
105    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
106    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
107    "}",
108    "if(data.version){",
109    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
110    "}",
111    "if(data.id){",
112    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.id); ",
113    "}",
114    "if(data.key){",
115    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
116    "}",
117    ""
118    ],
119    "type": "text/javascript"
120    }
121    }
122    ],
123    "request": {
124    "auth": {
125    "type": "oauth2",
126    "oauth2": [
127    {
128    "key": "accessToken",
129    "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
130    "type": "string"
131    },
132    {
133    "key": "addTokenTo",
134    "value": "header",
135    "type": "string"
136    },
137    {
138    "key": "tokenType",
139    "value": "Bearer",
140    "type": "string"
141    }
142    ]
143    },
144    "method": "POST",
145    "header": [
146    {
147    "key": "Content-Type",
148    "value": "application/json"
149    }
150    ],
151    "body": {
152    "mode": "raw",
153    "raw": "{\n  \"key\" : \"flFulfilment\",\n  \"name\" : {\n    \"en\" : \"Fluent Fulfilment Metadata\"\n  },\n  \"description\" : {\n    \"en\" : \"Fluent Fulfilment Metadata\"\n  },\n  \"resourceTypeIds\" : [ \"line-item\" ],\n  \"fieldDefinitions\" : [ {\n    \"name\" : \"flFulfilmentMetadata\",\n    \"label\" : {\n      \"en\" : \"Fulfilment Metadata\"\n    },\n    \"required\" : false,\n    \"type\" : {\n      \"name\" : \"String\"\n    },\n    \"inputHint\" : \"SingleLine\"\n  } ]\n}"
154    },
155    "url": {
156    "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
157    "host": [
158    "{{host}}"
159    ],
160    "path": [
161    "{{project-key}}",
162    "types"
163    ],
164    "query": [
165    {
166    "key": "expand",
167    "value": "",
168    "disabled": true
169    }
170    ]
171    }
172    },
173    "response": []
174    },
175    {
176    "name": "Create Delivery custom fields",
177    "event": [
178    {
179    "listen": "test",
180    "script": {
181    "exec": [
182    "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
183    "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
184    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
185    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
186    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
187    "}",
188    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
189    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
190    "}",
191    "if(data.version){",
192    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
193    "}",
194    "if(data.id){",
195    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.id); ",
196    "}",
197    "if(data.key){",
198    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
199    "}",
200    ""
201    ],
202    "type": "text/javascript"
203    }
204    }
205    ],
206    "request": {
207    "auth": {
208    "type": "oauth2",
209    "oauth2": [
210    {
211    "key": "accessToken",
212    "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
213    "type": "string"
214    },
215    {
216    "key": "addTokenTo",
217    "value": "header",
218    "type": "string"
219    },
220    {
221    "key": "tokenType",
222    "value": "Bearer",
223    "type": "string"
224    }
225    ]
226    },
227    "method": "POST",
228    "header": [
229    {
230    "key": "Content-Type",
231    "value": "application/json"
232    }
233    ],
234    "body": {
235    "mode": "raw",
236    "raw": "{\n    \"key\": \"flConsignment\",\n            \"name\": {\n                \"en\": \"Fluent Consignment\"\n            },\n            \"description\": {\n                \"en\": \"Fluent Consignment\"\n            },\n            \"resourceTypeIds\": [\n                \"order-delivery\"\n            ],\n            \"fieldDefinitions\": [\n                {\n                    \"name\": \"flConsignmentRef\",\n                    \"label\": {\n                        \"en\": \"Fluent Consignment Ref\"\n                    },\n                    \"required\": false,\n                    \"type\": {\n                        \"name\": \"String\"\n                    },\n                    \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n                },\n                {\n                    \"name\": \"flConsignmentStatus\",\n                    \"label\": {\n                        \"en\": \"Fluent Consignment Status\"\n                    },\n                    \"required\": false,\n                    \"type\": {\n                        \"name\": \"String\"\n                    },\n                    \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n                }\n            ]\n        }"
237    },
238    "url": {
239    "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
240    "host": [
241    "{{host}}"
242    ],
243    "path": [
244    "{{project-key}}",
245    "types"
246    ],
247    "query": [
248    {
249    "key": "expand",
250    "value": "",
251    "disabled": true
252    }
253    ]
254    }
255    },
256    "response": []
257    },
258    {
259    "name": "Create Parcel custom fields",
260    "event": [
261    {
262    "listen": "test",
263    "script": {
264    "exec": [
265    "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
266    "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
267    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
268    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
269    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
270    "}",
271    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
272    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
273    "}",
274    "if(data.version){",
275    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
276    "}",
277    "if(data.id){",
278    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.id); ",
279    "}",
280    "if(data.key){",
281    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
282    "}",
283    ""
284    ],
285    "type": "text/javascript"
286    }
287    }
288    ],
289    "request": {
290    "auth": {
291    "type": "oauth2",
292    "oauth2": [
293    {
294    "key": "accessToken",
295    "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
296    "type": "string"
297    },
298    {
299    "key": "addTokenTo",
300    "value": "header",
301    "type": "string"
302    },
303    {
304    "key": "tokenType",
305    "value": "Bearer",
306    "type": "string"
307    }
308    ]
309    },
310    "method": "POST",
311    "header": [
312    {
313    "key": "Content-Type",
314    "value": "application/json"
315    }
316    ],
317    "body": {
318    "mode": "raw",
319    "raw": "{\n    \"key\": \"fluentarticle\",\n    \"name\": {\n        \"en\": \"Fluent Article\"\n    },\n    \"description\": {\n        \"en\": \"Fluent Article\"\n    },\n    \"resourceTypeIds\": [\n        \"order-parcel\"\n    ],\n    \"fieldDefinitions\": [\n        {\n            \"name\": \"trackingUrl\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Fluent Tracking Url\"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n        }\n    ]\n}"
320    },
321    "url": {
322    "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
323    "host": [
324    "{{host}}"
325    ],
326    "path": [
327    "{{project-key}}",
328    "types"
329    ],
330    "query": [
331    {
332    "key": "expand",
333    "value": "",
334    "disabled": true
335    }
336    ]
337    }
338    },
339    "response": []
340    },
341    {
342    "name": "Create  Channel custom fields",
343    "event": [
344    {
345    "listen": "test",
346    "script": {
347    "exec": [
348    "tests[\"Status code \" + responseCode.code] = responseCode.code === 200 || responseCode.code === 201;",
349    "var data = JSON.parse(responseBody);",
350    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].id && data.results[0].version){",
351    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.results[0].id); ",
352    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.results[0].version);",
353    "    pm.environment.set(\"fluent-channel-id\", data.results[0].id);",
354    "}",
355    "if(data.results && data.results[0] && data.results[0].key){",
356    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.results[0].key); ",
357    "}",
358    "if(data.version){",
359    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-version\", data.version);",
360    "}",
361    "if(data.id){",
362    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-id\", data.id); ",
363    "}",
364    "if(data.key){",
365    "    pm.environment.set(\"type-key\", data.key);",
366    "}",
367    ""
368    ],
369    "type": "text/javascript"
370    }
371    }
372    ],
373    "request": {
374    "auth": {
375    "type": "oauth2",
376    "oauth2": [
377    {
378    "key": "accessToken",
379    "value": "{{ctp_access_token}}",
380    "type": "string"
381    },
382    {
383    "key": "addTokenTo",
384    "value": "header",
385    "type": "string"
386    },
387    {
388    "key": "tokenType",
389    "value": "Bearer",
390    "type": "string"
391    }
392    ]
393    },
394    "method": "POST",
395    "header": [
396    {
397    "key": "Content-Type",
398    "value": "application/json"
399    }
400    ],
401    "body": {
402    "mode": "raw",
403    "raw": "{\n  \"key\" : \"flStoredetails\",\n  \"name\" : {\n    \"en\" : \"Fluent Store Details\"\n  },\n  \"description\" : {\n    \"en\" : \"Fluent Store Details\"\n  },\n  \"resourceTypeIds\" : [ \"channel\" ],\n  \"fieldDefinitions\" : [  {\n            \"name\": \"flStoreType\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Type\"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"name\": \"flStoreStatus\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Status\"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"name\": \"flStoreEmail\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Email\"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"name\": \"flStorePhoneNo\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Phone No.\"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"name\": \"flStoreLatitude\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Latitude\"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"name\": \"flStoreLongitude\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Longitude\"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"name\": \"flStoreTimezone\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Timezone\"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"SingleLine\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"name\": \"flOpeningSchedule\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Opening Schedule \"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"MultiLine\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"name\": \"flStoreAttributes\",\n            \"label\": {\n                \"en\": \"Attributes \"\n            },\n            \"required\": false,\n            \"type\": {\n                \"name\": \"String\"\n            },\n            \"inputHint\": \"MultiLine\"\n        } ]\n}"
404    },
405    "url": {
406    "raw": "{{host}}/{{project-key}}/types",
407    "host": [
408    "{{host}}"
409    ],
410    "path": [
411    "{{project-key}}",
412    "types"
413    ],
414    "query": [
415    {
416    "key": "expand",
417    "value": "",
418    "disabled": true
419    }
420    ]
421    }
422    },
423    "response": []
424    }
425    ]
426    }    

Language: json

Name: Postman collection


[Warning: empty required content area]
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

Copyright © 2025 Fluent Retail Pty Ltd (trading as Fluent Commerce). All rights reserved. No materials on this docs.fluentcommerce.com site may be used in any way and/or for any purpose without prior written authorisation from Fluent Commerce. Current customers and partners shall use these materials strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of their written agreements with Fluent Commerce or its affiliates.

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