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Fluent Order Management App for Salesforce Service Cloud (SFSC)

Essential knowledge


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

25 Oct 2023


The following guide will take you through how to use/navigate through the Fluent Order management app for Salesforce Service Cloud.

Key points

  • Customer Search and View
  • Order Search and View
  • View Order Details

Customer Search and View

View Customers

  • Click on the Fluent Setup drop-down menu and select Fluent Customers.
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  • The All Customers list is displayed with the columns configured using the List Component from the UX Component Library. Some of the columns that can be configured are as below:
    • Name
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Department
    • Country
    • User Name
    • Ref
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Sort Customers

  • Click on the column header to sort the column.
  • Click on the dropdown arrow mark to wrap the text in that column.
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Filter Customers

  • The customer list can be filtered using the following columns:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Phone
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Order Search and View

View Orders

  • Click on the Fluent Setup drop-down menu and select Fluent Orders.
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  • The All Orders list is displayed with the columns configured using the List Component from the UX Component Library. Some of the columns that can be configured are as below:
    • Order #
    • Customer Name
    • Status of the Order
    • Type of Order
    • Created Date
    • Order Value
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Sort Orders

  • Click on the column header to sort the column.
  • Click on the dropdown arrow mark to wrap text in that column.

Filter Orders

Orders may be filtered by Attributes or Time Period.

Filter by Attributes

  • Orders can be filtered by the following attributes:
    • Order Ref
    • Type
    • Status
  • To filter orders by attribute:
    • Select the attribute from the drop down.
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  • Enter the relevant value and press the Enter/Return key on your keyboard or click the magnifying glass icon.
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  • To refresh the values in the list, click the Refresh Button.
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Filter by Time Period

  • Click the Filter Icon.
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  • The Period Filter screen will open.
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  • There are two options for filtering by time-period:
    • All Time: Lists all the orders with no time-period filter.
    • Custom: Lists the orders created between the start date and end date.
  • Enter your filter options:
    • To filter order without time period filter, select the All Time radio button and click the Done button.
    • To filter by a custom date range, enter a Start Date and End Date and click the Done button.
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View Order Details

  • Click an Order# from the All Orders list
  • The Order Details page will display the following information:
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  • Order Master Details: Type, Status, Created Date, Last Updated Date, Customer Name.
  • Order Information: Order Reference, Retailer ID, Retailer Ref, Total Price, Total Tax Amount.
  • Fulfillment Choice: Expand this section to display details about the fulfillment and shipping method. Click on the Address to view the location in Google maps.
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  • Customer Information: To view customer details in a new window, expand the Customer Information section and then click the Customer Name.
  • Order Related View: Click on the Related tab to view details related to the order.
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The Order Related tab displays the following:

  • Order Items: This section lists all items in an order. Click the product name to view the product details
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  • Fulfilments and Transactions: This section lists all the Fulfilments (or shipments) and transactions associated with the order.
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Fluent Commerce

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