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Label Naming Conventions

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Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

25 Oct 2023


This page provides naming recommendations to follow for labels across the Fluent platform.

  • nameSpace.domain.[subdomain].module.[submodules...].label
  • submodules = page.tab.component(card/table)
  • All levels use the singular. For example, order instead of orders and component instead of components.
  • Use Camel Case to separate words. For example,: fc.om.order.ui.list.title).

Key points

  • Namespace
  • Domain
  • Module
  • Label


fc namespace is reserved for Fluent Commerce components and keys. Partners have their own namespace.

Example: fc.om.order.ui.list.title


The domain represents the Fluent domain where the key is used. For example, Order Management (om), Global Inventory (gi), and Product Availability (pa).

Example: fc.om.order.ui.list.title


Subdomain represents the entity within the primary domain where this key is used. For example, the keys used in the order entity will have order as the subdomain.

Example.: fc.om.order.ui.list.title


The module is the section where key is used within the application. All UI labels have ui as the module key.

Example: fc.om.order.ui.list.title

Sub modules

There can be a number of sub-modules. For example, the page (list or details), card (summary), tab or list can be included as sub module to create a unique key.

Example: fc.om.order.ui.list.title


Label represents the value that is getting translated.

Example: fc.om.order.ui.list.title

The entire key is checked to find a matching translation available in the language resource bundles.

For example:

Order Management Domain

non-UI-centric order 

fc.om.order.[....].status.created fc.om.order.status.booked fc.om.order.type.hd fc.om.order.type.cc

order listing page

fc.om.order.ui.list.nav fc.om.order.ui.list.title fc.om.order.ui.list.results.column.ref fc.om.order.ui.list.results.column.customer fc.om.order.ui.list.results.column.status fc.om.order.ui.list.results.column.retailer

customer listing page

fc.om.customer.ui.list.nav fc.om.customer.ui.list.title fc.om.customer.ui.list.results.column.ref fc.om.order.ui.detail.title # page title fc.om.order.ui.detail.overview.title # tab title

overview (tab), summary (card) 

fc.om.order.ui.detail.overview.summary.title fc.om.order.ui.detail.overview.summary.field.type fc.om.order.ui.detail.overview.summary.field.status fc.om.order.ui.detail.overview.summary.field.created

overview (tab), retailer (card)

fc.om.order.ui.detail.overview.retailer.title fc.om.order.ui.detail.overview.retailer.field.retailer

fulfilment (tab), list (card/table)

fc.om.order.ui.detail.fulfilment.title fc.om.order.ui.detail.fulfilment.list.title fc.om.order.ui.detail.fulfilment.list.column.id fc.om.order.ui.detail.fulfilment.list.column.status fc.om.order.ui.detail.fulfilment.list.column.deliveryType fc.om.order.ui.detail.fulfilment.list.column.workflow fc.om.order.ui.detail.tab.overview fc.om.order.ui.detail.tab.fulfilment fc.om.order.ui.detail.summary.field.type fc.om.order.ui.detail.summary.field.status fc.om.order.ui.detail.summary.field.created

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