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Rules SDK - API Collections

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Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

24 Oct 2023


The Rules SDK comes with 2 API Collections:

  • Postman Collection
  • Insomnia Collection

Key points

  • Postman Collection
  • Insomnia Collection

Postman collection 

This collection provides a set of REST based API calls (some of which are deprecated), that provide the following actions:

  • Authentication
  • Retailer Creation
  • Upload a plugin
  • A simple CC Order Workflow
  • Create and process a CC Order

You can find the Postman collection in the Postman folder of the generated custom plugin project.

Insomnia Collection

This collection provides a set of REST (some of which are deprecated) and GraphQL API calls, that provide the following actions:

  • Authentication
  • Retailer Setup Process
  • Workflow & Catalogues
  • Master Data
  • Order & Events
  • Fulfilment Options

You can find the Insomnia collection in the insomnia folder of the generate custom plugin project.

Additionally, the insomnia folder also contains an Admin Console Manifest (deprecated), and a set of workflows (deprecated). These are no longer maintained and are provided as-is.

For the latest Product supported Workflows and Rules, please see the link attached.

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