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Enhancements and Bug Fixes - Order Search, ServicePoint, and User Management



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

19 Sept 2024

Target release date:2019-09-30
Release status:Released


GraphQL API - Order Search:

Updates to the GraphQL API Order search to allow filtering of orders based on a customer's reference. This means you can now quickly locate specific orders, enabling better customer service by swiftly addressing inquiries related to specific orders.

ServicePoint - Unrecognizable content:

Fixed issues with ServicePoint tables showing unrecognizable content, ensuring that your data is presented accurately and comprehensibly. With this fix, you can trust the integrity of your data and make informed decisions based on clear and reliable information.

User Management:

  • Mystique Manifest Settings: Added capabilities to the Mystique Manifest to allow viewing of more than 10 settings per retailer. This grants you greater flexibility and control over your settings, allowing for more granular customization tailored to your specific business needs.
  • Admin Console: Fixed an issue that was causing errors and blank pages when adding a retailer-specific role to a user of the Admin Console. Now, you can seamlessly manage user roles and permissions, ensuring that your team members have the appropriate access levels to carry out their responsibilities effectively. 


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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