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Fluent Store Enhancements and Fixes 2021-11-11



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

19 Sept 2024

Target release date:2021-11-11
Release status:Released


Fluent Store Enhancements:

The Wave Fragment is broken up into multiple smaller Fragments 

The following new wave process fragments are added to the list of Fluent store manifest fragments:

  • Orders Awaiting Pick
  • Waves In Progress
  • Completed Waves.

Updated the default Fluent Store manifest fragment names

The default Fluent Store Manifest fragments are renamed to include the web app name. This makes the app context for manifest fragments more explicit where there may be similar but different fragments used in another app.

For more information, see the default Fluent Store manifests.

A new Store Plugin is created, and referenced in the default Fluent Store manifest

A new Store Plugin is created and the plugin name is added to the default Store manifest. All the Fluent Store components are moved to the new plugin exclusively maintained for the store functionality.

For more information, see the default Fluent Store manifests.

Added Search Filters for Articles

Search Filters have been added to all Article Pages in the Fluent Store. Article Pages included: Arrivals, Customer Collections, Carrier Collections, Uncollected.

See more information on Fluent Store here.

Auto Refresh added to Fluent Store pages

The Auto Refresh Component. has been added to the default manifest for Fluent Store. The page will now automatically refresh in a regular set interval of 60 seconds, displaying an updated status for each fulfillment as the wave transitions from one stage to the other.

See more information on Fluent Store here.

Storage Area consolidation

Store Arrivals can be configured using Scan to Storage Area functionality. By default, this will support the consolidation of Articles from the same Order. When scanning a newly arrived Article, Articles for the same Order can be grouped and assigned to the same Storage Area, providing an improved article management experience for in-store staff.

User Action forms now support validation

User Action forms will now validate against the mandatory field configuration, before submitting the user action. Mandatory fields will be highlighted in red when a user submits a form with missing information.

Dashboard tiles are made clickable

Dashboard tiles in the Fluent Store Waves Dashboard are enhanced to be clickable. Users can now click on a tile to navigate to the specific filtered orders/waves list.

Fluent Store Fixes

  • Carrier terminology fix:
    • All instances of the word "Courier" have now been replaced with "Carrier" for consistency purposes
  • Bulk Collection Actions disabled:
    • Bulk selections for ‘Customer Collections’, ‘Uncollected’, and ‘Arrivals’ have been disabled. This can still be enabled via configuration if required
  • Fixed an issue where invalid Storage Areas were displayed and available for scanning:
    • Now only ENABLED Storage Areas are available for scanning
  • Removed invalid hyperlink on the Order Ref field in the wave PACK step
  • Removed the comma, displayed between a customer's first and last name
  • Page titles are now displayed as the page header and no longer in the page table
  • Fixed the missing auto-navigation on Article screens after user action completed


See details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Fluent store
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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