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Fluent Store Enhancements & Bug Fix 2022-02-15



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 July 2024

Target release date:2022-02-15
Release status:Released


Fluent Store Enhancements

  • Single Sign-On is now enabled:
    • A new Single Sign-On feature has now been enabled for Fluent Store users.
  • Updated Store Carrier Collections page to show status icons: 
    • Added indicators for IN PROGRESS, SUCCESSFUL, and FAILED carrier bookings on the carrier collections and dispatch screens. This functionality can be enabled using the default Carrier Collections manifest for Fluent Store.
    • Further information is available here
  • Updated pick screen to show picked and rejected item summary: 
    • On the Pick screen in the Fluent Store Wizard, Users will now be able to see a summarized view of picked and rejected items to be reviewed and confirmed before moving on to packing
  • Updated pick quantity selector: 
    • On the picking screen, the quantity selector will start at the total amount of items required. Previously, this selector would start with 0 items picked. 

Bug fixes

  • Navigation Issue Fixes:
    • Fixed an issue where Users weren't being directed back to the Collections page after marking an Article as collected
    • Fixed an issue where Users weren't being directed back to the home screen after completing a wave


Details as listed above,

Released capability depth:Enhancement, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Fluent store
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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