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Inventory Module 1.4.0 Release: Enhanced Catalog Support and Attribute Flexibility



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

13 Sept 2024

Target release date:2024-09-12
Release status:Released


This release enhances our Inventory Module rules, increasing their flexibility and usability across different inventory catalog types. The updates remove the hard-coded dependency on the inventory catalogue type

, allowing these rules to be used with catalogs of various types. 

We’ve also introduced support for a new

attribute field in the
event, improving attribute handling within inventory workflows. This enhancement is a key step in preparing for the upcoming inventory batch release. Furthermore, the addition of this field enables enhanced payloads for direct updates. Refer to this guide for instructions on how to implement these updates.


Enhanced Rules: The following inventory rules have been updated to support flexible inventory catalog types, eliminate dependency on the

inventory catalog type, and accommodate extended batch attributes:

Key Changes:

  • Inventory position types now inherit their type from the inventory catalog, enabling workflows and plugins to function across different catalog types without rule modifications.
  • The subtype in the inventory catalog workflow must be correctly set to leverage this flexibility, ensuring rules are no longer limited to the
    catalog type.
  • Rule updates have removed the hard-coded inventory catalogue type (
    ), increasing the usability of these rules with other catalog types.
  • A new field,
    , has been introduced for the
    event, which is produced for each record within an inventory batch. The field aggregates all attributes which now can be passed by inventory batches under the
    field and the information can be accessed by the corresponding rules in the workflows. 
  • The CreateInventoryQuantity and UpdateInventoryQuantity now update fields like
    , and
    if the information is passed in a inventory batch record. All other inventory batch record attributes will be available in workflows for further actions.
Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Module
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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