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OMX UX Framework Enhancements & Fixes 2021-08-30



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

22 Mar 2024

Target release date:2021-08-30
Release status:Released


OMX UX Framework Enhancements

"Not found" page

  • When the user does not find the page or new web app they are looking for in the URL, the user will be directed to our newly added "Not found" page.

New activeUser variable

  • Details of the logged-in user are now available for use as page query variables. For example,

For more information, see the Page Route data property in the Configuration Guide.

Updates to DynamicAttribute

  • `DynamicAttributes`
    now supports optional icons and color styling for text-based values.
  • A new type option has also been added that allows developers to embed a completely custom component into any location that currently uses a DynamicAttribute.

For more information, see the Dynamic Attributes section on the Common Concepts page.

Reverse Sorting for Lists

  • The List component (
    ) can now be sorted in reverse chronological order. Sorting functionality can be triggered by simply updating the page query to sort results in the desired direction, after which the list pagination controls will work in the direction specified

For more information, see the Sort Order and Page Size section on the List Component page.

Text filters on the List component

  • They now trim whitespace by default

Breadcrumb Menu Label update

The Page component (

) breadcrumb property
has been renamed to
for consistency with other property names.
will continue to work for backward compatibility but should be considered deprecated.

For more information, see the BackButtons section on the Page Component page.

Bug Fixes

Default timezone fix for dateStringFormatter helper function in UX Framework

  • UX “DateStringFormatter” functions will now default to the user’s local timezone. We have added config support for users to switch to the UTC timezone.

For more information, see the Date functions in the Template strings section on the Common Concepts page


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform, Tool
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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