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Orchestration Modeller Enhancements & Bug Fixes 2021-08-03



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

29 Aug 2024

Target release date:2021-08-03
Release status:Released


Orchestration Modeller Enhancements

Enhanced the Workflow Builder (Orchestration modeler) to enable custom web app names in user actions context: 

  • The launch of the UX framework introduces the ability for our clients and partners to create their custom web apps. Alongside the ability to customize the UX based on their unique business processes, Clients can now name the Fluent web app.
  • To view an example and enable this functionality, a new setting has been introduced and explained in the Account Settings article.

Documentation Enhancements

Information Architecture Enhancement:

  • To support the release of Fluent OMX and better enable our Partners and Clients to configure and extend we have redesigned the Information Architecture (IA).
  • We encourage you to go and see it for yourself, feedback is welcome through the feedback page.

Bug Fixes

Duplicate Fulfilment handling feature flag:

  • The "Duplicate fulfillment handling" feature released on July 5th 2021 (v4.55), is now configurable via a feature flag
    at the Account level.
  • This feature will be disabled by default for all existing clients.
  • For more information, see the Account Settings page.

Workflow Engine (Rubix) Improvement:

  • An audit log event will now be generated when an inline event has no match for the ruleset trigger status. The ruleset will now create an event status "NO_MATCH". This fix will support better debugging and execution audits.

An example of how the Audit log event is generated can be found on the Rule Development Guidelines & Best Practices article.


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Tool, Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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