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Release Process Enhancement & Platform Updates



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

8 Apr 2024

Target release date:2017-06-31
Release status:Released


Release Process Enhancement

The Sunstrider release focused on rebuilding our core platform build, quality and release processes in order to improve our underlying scalability across all global regions. Called One-Click-Deploy, we're very proud of the outcome which allows us to build and release entire environments into any global region in under 15minutes.

For our clients and partners, this further improves our ability to automatically scale from a release and performance perspective across all regions.

Bug Fixes

  • (SP-693) The refunds module has been updated to remove the automated process of submitting a $0.00 refund balance to the payment method not selected for the refund.
  • (SP-703) ServicePoint - Some barcodes not scanning but are selectable on the screen
  • (RUB-576)
    not correctly handling uncached Articles and Consignments
  • (COM-466) Event API is not correctly returning the Events filtered by retailer ID
  • (COM-432) RetailerId is displayed as 0 for events generated by the system user in the UI


  • (SP-710 / 705 / 708) Fixes to view orders in Admin Console when displaying fulfillment details. Note this fix is only applicable to clients using Orchestration.
  • (RUB-580) Improved authentication logic to enable the API client to handle tokens that can expire


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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