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Return Rules and Store Locator Widget Bug Fixes



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 July 2024

Target release date:2019-05-31
Release status:Released


Rule Fix

Fixed an issue where the

rule accepted stringified JSON instead of base JSON. This enhances operational efficiency and reduces the likelihood of data entry errors, enabling smoother handling of returns and ultimately improving customer satisfaction.

Rule Fix

Fixed an issue where the

rule expected a lodged location even after a pickup location had been identified and passed through the rule. This fix aligns the rule's expectations with the actual workflow, enhancing productivity and reducing delays in processing returns, leading to improved customer service and retention.

Store Locator Widget Fix

Fixed an issue where the Store Locator widget did not provide meaningful feedback to queried postcodes that did not return any results. This enhancement ensures that users can easily find relevant store locations, enhancing their overall shopping experience and increasing the likelihood of successful customer conversions. 


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform, Fluent store
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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