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Single Store Dashboard ServicePoint and GraphQL Enhancements



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

25 Mar 2024

Target release date:2018-04-30
Release status:Released


ServicePoint - Single Store Dashboard

The new dashboard will encourage better staff engagement by providing store associates with a quick overview of real-time metrics to measure and review against their relevant KPIs at a daily level. By surfacing live and helpful information such as wave counts nearing expiry, the dashboard will also help to promote overall efficiency and better customer satisfaction levels.

GraphQL Enhancements

Our focus on GraphQL continues. This month we are releasing performance support for GraphQL to return responses with larger results within a single request as well as the addition of a create carrier mutation to allow our Expert Services team and partners to easily add a new carrier option when required.

As part of this release, GraphQL-based workflows will now also support the sending of information via webhooks.


Initial Release

Released capability depth:New capability, Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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