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User Roles & Performance - Platform Enhancements & Bug Fixes



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 July 2024

Target release date:2018-10-31
Release status:Released


Scalable Back-End - Performance Improvements

Overall performance and scalability improvements continue to be worked on behind the scenes, and this release brings platform-wide performance and scalability enhancements with a more scalable Database backend. These improvements will be made available to clients after a migration process which will be scheduled shortly. No effort is required from clients and there will be no downtime during the migration process.

Communications about the migration will be sent out to all clients in the coming weeks and please feel free to reach out to your Account Manager for further details.

User Roles - Mystique Enhancements

Expanding on our already robust roles and permissions for the Fluent Cloud Platform, we have now added the capability for Business Operations Managers to manage the display of modules in the admin console by allowing the different roles within the business to only view modules that are relevant to them.

Wave Creation - GraphQL Enhancements

With this release, we have added support for waves in our GraphQL API that will provide more flexibility to our clients when utilizing the exposed data to achieve more customized functionality.

Resolved Bugs

  • Fixed issue on GraphQL API that throws an error for Create wave when workflow version or ref is null.
  • Fixed issue where two manifests are being created when the scheduler submits a manifest.
  • Fixed an issue whereby the Orchestration Editor was not showing all statuses and any rulesets for Carrier workflow.


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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