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UX Framework Enhancements & Bug Fix 2022-06-17



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 July 2024

Target release date:2022-06-17
Release status:Released


UX Framework Enhancements:

  • Activity Component Extended
    • The Activity Component has been extended with a property 
      . This configuration allows you to determine what events you want to see in more detail. For example, you can enable additional records for BILLING_ACCOUNT and INVENTORY_CATALOGUE and reduce the number of records for PRODUCT_CATALOGUE.
  • New Languages Supported in the JSON Editor 
    • The JSON Editor Component supports three new languages: Spanish, French, and Italian. English remains a default for any unsupported language.
  • Attribute Card Component now supports word wrapping
  • Switch between Locations and Retailers in Fluent OMS and Fluent Store Web Apps
    • Enable a context switcher (via configuration) that allows end-users with multiple contexts to navigate between them within OMX web apps quickly. For example, in the Fluent Store web application, a single user can easily navigate between the Stores they have access to.

Bug Fix:

  • List Component
    • Checkboxes will now load correctly when using multiple tabs within the List Component.


Details as listed above.


Fluent Store Location Switcher
OMS Retailer Switcher
Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Fluent store, Fluent OMS
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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