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UX Framework New Features Improving Usability & Bug Fixes 2022-10-12



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

18 Mar 2024

Target release date:2022-10-12
Release status:Released


UX Framework New Features Improving Usability:

Create a Customised View by Vertically Aligning Information

  • You can now configure the vertical alignment of information in the List Component. Row information can be vertically aligned by top, middle or bottom to improve readability.

Organise Information for Better Readability by Nesting Components Into Columns

  • Place components into columns on pages. Columns can have various widths to help you structure the positioning of various items around the screen. This can be used to organise busy pages onto smaller screens.
  • In the image below the Returns Order Detail and Price Summary cards have been placed in a column on the left hand side to improve the flow of the page.

Improved User Experience for Mobile Collapsible Attributes

  • Easily expand text on collapsible attributes on mobile. Users can now tap on any part of the text to expand and contract the information.

View Mobile User Actions in Full Width

  • User actions on mobile are now full width. Enabling a more efficient experience for in-store staff.

Translate User Actions Into Your Supported Languages

  • You can now translate the label on a User Action using an Internationalisation (i18n) value. This will enable you to provide User Actions in your supported languages.

Colored dots are available in Fluent Store

  • Component
    is moved to Mystique core and now colored dots are accessible in Fluent OMS and Fluent Store.

Reference Account Settings in your Manifest

Added the ability to locally override which setting a manifest loads from

  • You can now locally override which setting a manifest loads from or specify a completely custom manifest to use locally.

Added a new hook to the Component SDK to expose account and app name

Bug Fixes

User Actions

  • Secondary User Actions can no longer be duplicated in dropdowns 

Navigation Bar

  • The navigation bar can now be closed on all devices and browsers


Details as listed above.


Returns Order Detail and Price Summary cards have been placed in a column on the left hand side
View Mobile User Actions in Full Width
Improved User Experience for Mobile Collapsible Attributes
Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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