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New Rules for In-Flight Order Revisions



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

24 Mar 2024

Target release date:2019-09-30
Release status:Released


In-Flight Order Revisions

The September release introduces in-flight order revisions to the Fluent platform. As part of this release, customer care agents can use the Fluent Admin Console to add, remove and revise order items.

As part of this release, the following order revisions are available:

  • Add an order item (by quantity or by searching, selecting and adding a different/new order item).
  • Remove an order item.

Click here for information on configuring the in-flight order revisions capability. For information on using the capability in the Fluent Admin Console, click here.

New Rules

To support in-flight order revisions, the You Am I release includes the following new rules:

  • `CreateRevisedOrder`
  • `CreateCreditMemoForRevisedOrder`
  • `SendEventForRevisedOrderToBillingAccount`
  • `ValidateRevisedOrder`
  • `SendEventIfAttributePresent`


Initial Release

Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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