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6 Feb 2024


Fluent Expert Services (ES) are our subject-matter experts who are responsible for ensuring that project implementation leverages the full extent of the software features and capabilities of Fluent OMS, and that best practices are followed.  This article will cover the different service packages that are on offer to help facilitate the project, keep it moving forward, and involve all parties (Expert Services, Partner, and/or the Client) working collaboratively to validate choices, monitor progress, and review developments.

Key points

  • Some of the packages provided by the Expert Services Team:
    • Discovery and Solution Design
    • Order Management Experience
    • Go-live readiness
Discovery and Solution Design

Designed to assist with discovery and ensure successful implementation of Fluent Order Management.  It's popular with partners and clients who are still learning the ropes and would benefit from having support from an Expert Service Consultant to help guide the process and ensure that implementation commences in the right direction.  It includes the provision of technical and functional guidance throughout project delivery according to Fluent Order Management best practices.  The team is also there to help conduct detailed technical and functional checks and reviews, and also assist with:

  • Integration mapping support and design
  • Domain-specific workflow design (Order, Inventory, etc.) such as rulesets, rules, states, and user actions
  • Best practices, both technical and functional
  • Help with designing rules
  • Help with user experience design
Order Management Experience

Designed to assist with:

  • Analysis of existing Admin Console and Service Point configurations
  • Analysis assessment walk-through with Client and/or Partner
  • Best practice guidance in developing the Fluent UX Framework
  • Adoption of the Fluent OMS and Fluent Store web applications
  • Guidance around customising the web applications to a client’s business requirement
  • Report with findings and actionable recommendations
Go-live readiness

Designed to support the successful go-live of Fluent Order Management.  It includes an oversight over multiple checkpoints to ensure the solution is certified to launch. This process is intended to be run 2-3 times to ensure the implementation is in a state of 'fit-for-production' and is documented and issued in a Ready For Launch report (RFL) for partner and client records.

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