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commercetools Connector 2022-11-08



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

18 Mar 2024

Target release date:2022-11-08
Release status:Released


Simplify your integration to commercetools with our new Connector!

We are excited to release the commercetools Connector which provides the essential components required to connect Fluent to commercetools.

This new connector is a Java-based SDK built using MACH (Microservices, API First, Cloud Native, Headless) principles which provides greater flexibility and simplified development, out-of-the-box extensions for module-specific implementation, and supports cross-commerce tools project and multi-retailer Fluent integration.

With this new extension framework, clients can override the default logic at the individual entity level and keep the out-of-the-box implementation as required to reduce the integration time.

📖 Read about how to configure and extend here.

📖 Read how to set up and install the package here

📖 Read commercetools Connector prerequisites here


Initial Release


No alt text provided
Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Connector framework
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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