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Changed on:

6 Feb 2024


Project representatives from Fluent Commerce, the Client, and/or the Partner are separated into distinct areas of project responsibility. This article will cover the typical team setups involved in Fluent OMS projects.

Key points

  • Typical team set-up for client-led projects
  • Typical team set-up for partner-led projects  

Projects are led by either the Implementation Partner or the Client, directly involved in implementation.

Sponsors and Governance

A Project Sponsor (or Project Manager) on the client side is matched with an Expert Services Senior Manager or with a member of the Client Success team from Fluent Commerce.  They will also be matched with the Account Lead and/or the Project Manager on the Implementation Partner's side.

Steering and Design

The Solution Architect, Business Analyst, and Tech Lead on the Partner's side are matched with the Product Owner, Enterprise Architect, and Expert Services Consultant on the client side.


During the implementation process, the client's IT team, Fluent Commerce's Expert Services Consultants, and the partner's QA Tester/Engineer and team of Java + React Developers work together.

Workshops and Testing 

During Workshops and Testing, Business and IT Stakeholders, Key Users from the client side, Expert Service Consultants from Fluent Commerce, and a Business Analyst from the Partner's end come together.

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