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Enable Store Associates to select Fulfilments to add to Waves

How-to Guide


Esma Tuzovic

Changed on:

5 June 2024

Key Points

  • This guide explains how to enable Store Associates to select Fulfillments to add to a Wave in Fluent Store. 
  • Once this capability is enabled in Fluent Store, Store Associates can filter and select Fulfilments (including by custom attributes) to be added to a new Wave.
  • This guide will require knowledge of how to configure your manifest and workflow. If you wish to extend this functionality even further, you'll need to be able to compose rules.
No alt text provided


Step arrow right iconVideo guide for Custom Wave

Fulfilment filtering, Wave summary, and Wave creation

This video demonstrates Fulfilment filtering, Wave summary, and Wave creation. 

Step arrow right iconWho is this guide for?

This guide is designed for Implementers who are enabling Store Associates to select Fulfilments to add to Waves.

Step arrow right iconInstall the latest Fulfilment Module

You need to make sure you have the latest Fulfilment Module installed, you will then have access to the


Step arrow right iconAdding the CreateWaveByFulfillmentIds rule to the Location workflow

There are two ways to add the CreateWaveByFulfillmentIds rule to the Location workflow:

Option 1: Update to version 2.0.2 or above of the Location workflow contained in the Fulfilment Module

The following how-to guide Adding a Workflow to your Retailer via API provides instructions on updating a workflow. You can find the locations workflow to upload within the Fulfilment Module zip file.

Option 2: Add the rule to a new ruleset in your existing Locations workflow

An example of how to configure the ruleset can be found on the CreateWaveByFulfilmentIds page under the Configuration Example section. 

Otherwise, you can manually construct a ruleset:

  • Add the 
    rule into a new ruleset in the Location workflow. 
  • Add a new user action within the ruleset to enable the Store Associate to navigate to the page where they can select the Fulfilments to add to the Wave
  • Add the mandatory attribute
    to ensure the FulfilmentList component renders on the page.

Step arrow right iconAdd a button to navigate to a new page

In the desired location you would like the Store Associate to launch the Wave Creation process from add an action extension of

. This will cause the create wave button to navigate to the link you specify 

In the below example, an action extension has been added to the 'CreateWaveByUserSelection' action in the waves manifest that will enable a Store Associate to launch the Wave creation functionality from the dashboard in Fluent Store. 

In this example, '/waves/create' is specified as the URL suffix that the user will land on.

1"actions": {
2    "primary": [
3        {
4            "type": "userAction",
5            "label": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.wave.createWave.createCustomWave",
6            "name": "CreateWaveByUserSelection",
7            "extensions": {
8                "action": {
9                    "type": "navigate",
10                    "link": "/waves/create"
11                }
12            }
13        }
14    ]

Language: json

Name: Page action link


[Warning: empty required content area]

This step causes a ‘Create Custom Wave' button to now appear on the Waves page of Fluent Store:

No alt provided

At this stage, when clicking onto the page action, the following screen will not work yet as it has not been configured.

Step arrow right iconDisplaying the Create Wave form

To display the Wave creation form, add a new page in your manifest fragment with the URL you specified earlier. By default, this will be


In the example below a snippet is provided defining a new page for the Waves manifest fragment. This is a 1-step wizard page that is associated with the URL path '

' - the URL specified in the previous step. 

In the

prop for this wizard page, an action is specified called '
' which is the ruleset name defined earlier. This links this Wizard page to the ruleset defined in that step and allows the page to load the relevant fields required by that ruleset.

As the Fulfiment List Field Component has a summary, the Wizard page is configured to show a summary alongside the Wizard form field.

You can also configure all the properties available in the Wizard Component here. For example, you can update the width of the Summary.

2    "type": "page",
3    "path": "waves/create",
4    "fullScreen": true,
5    "component": "fc.page.wizard",
6    "props": {
7        "actions": true,
8        "closePath": "waves",
9        "steps": [
10            {
11                "title": "i18n:fc.sf.ui.wave.createWave.createCustomWave",
12                "icon": "MdShoppingBasket",
13                "action": {
14                    "name": "CreateWaveByUserSelection",
15                    "config": {
16                        "noSuccessMessage": false,
17                        "extension": {
18                            "postSubmit": {
19                                "type": "navigate",
20                                "link": "/waves/{{wavesInProgress.edges.0.node.id}}"
21                            }
22                        }
23                    }
24                },
25                "descendants": [
26                    {
27                        "component": "fc.page.wizard.summary",
28                        "props": {
29                            "noCard": true,
30                            "width": 5,
31                            "sticky": true
32                        }
33                    },
34                    {
35                        "component": "fc.page.wizard.action",
36                        "props": {
37                            "width": 7
38                        }
39                    }
40                ]
41            }
42        ]
43    },
44    "data": {
45        "query": "query ($locationRef: String!, $status: [String]!, $locationId: ID!) { locationById(id: $locationId) { ref } wavesInProgress: waves(processingLocation: {ref: $locationRef}, status: $status) { edges { node { id ref status location { id ref } } } } }",
46        "variables": {
47            "locationId": "{{activeLocation.id}}",
48            "locationRef": "{{activeLocation.ref}}",
49            "status": [
50                "PICK"
51            ]
52        }
53    }

Language: json

Name: Wizard component for CreateWaveByUserSelection


[Warning: empty required content area]

After adding this snippet to the waves manifest fragment, clicking on “Create Custom Wave” will navigate the user to this page:

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Step arrow right iconConfiguring the setting

For any additional properties, you can extend fc.mystique.fields.fulfilmentlist with more customizable keys. Please refer to this article for detailed information: Fulfilment List Field Component.

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